Monday, November 17, 2008

Guess where I was Saturday night?!?

I was here...

Yes ladies and gentlemen. I went to the New Kids on the Block concert. My 13 year old self was freaking out. It was a good time and a great concert. Half way through the show they performed on the 'B' stage which was right in front of me. I had no voice by the end of the night and I could not hear for several hours afterwards. Worth it.

By the way...I hate admiting this but I just have too. You know those old film clips of the beatles or whatever famous have the girls crying and freaking out. I always thought those girls were crazy and silly. Saturday night, I became those girls. Ok, I didnt cry, but I was freakin out. It was a good feeling. I hope all can feel that someday. (I am such a nerd!)


Juzzme said...

Awesome Tam! Sounds like you had so much fun!! :)

Rachel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel said...

You and New Kids on the Block. I've been meaning to tease you about that since you blogged about it a long time ago.
PS: that was me who deleted my last comment. I spelled a few words wrong. Oops. I wish there was an edit option.

Shantay said...

Nielsons! It's Ephraim Peterson... Please have Ry email me at

That would be sweet to get in touch with him...

Nothin but Love


Chris and Tara said...

I went to their concert too... when I was 13. Ü