Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Found, found, found

Yes ladies and gentlemen. My ring has been found. Special thanks to my sis-in-law Jenessa for not only finding it, but rushing immediatly to my house to return it too me. You get the prize Jen!
It was not at the park like I had thought it was. It was at Jenessa's house in her wii remote controller basket?!? I have no idea how it got off of my finger and into that basket but that is where it was. I suspect Nargles. Anyway, everyone can stop looking now.

The only down side is I dont get to go ring shopping anymore...boo! Thanks alot Jen!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

It's always the Nargles! They steal one of all my flip flops when I'm in a hurry. Luna really was on to something...