Monday, July 7, 2008

The 4 F's and new kids

I hope everyone had a great 4th! Mine was awesome! The 4 F', family, friends and fireworks. I was going to post some pictures of that night, but they all turned out fuzzy. Oh well, it was a great night.

On another note, I just bought tickets to a New Kids on the Block concert. Yes, that is right, a New Kids on the Block concert. I am not sure what I was thinking. I guess when I was 13, that was the only thing I wanted, to go see the New Kids. I asked my mom everyday if she would buy me tickets. In my nightly prayers, I would pray that someday, I would get to go. I guess God really does answer prayers because, well, I do get to go. Fifteen years a little late but, whose counting? Anyway, I guess I bought the ticket just so my 13 year old self would be proud of me. I hope she is excited.


Chris and Tara said...

You are too funny. I loved NKOTB when I was a young'un, too. However I did get to go to their concert. I was 12-ish and my mom said that if my older sister and I wanted to go so bad we had to pay for our tickets AND hers. We did. It was exciting then. I hope your night is just as fun. And seriously, it's hilarious that you got tickets.

jenroy said...

I went the night before 7th grade started (we must've started on a Wed or something, cause I remember being tired). Anyway, it was at the Marriott Center. Good times. I kinda want to go again. :)