Wednesday, July 30, 2008


Look, its my very own mosaic.. Isnt it cute?!?

1. What is your first name? Tammi

2. What is your favorite food? cheeseburger

3. What high school did you go to? Highland High

4. What is your favorite color? pink

5. Who is your celebrity crush? Christian Bale (before the whole batman thing)

6. Favorite drink? water

7. Dream vacation? Paris

8. Favorite dessert? chocolate cake

9. What you want to be when you grow up? astronaut

10. What do you love most in life? family

11. One Word to describe you? goofy

12. Your flickr name? dont have one

So this was on one of my friends blogs and I love I did it too. Now you can.

Here's how.
1. Type each of your answers from the questions into Flickr Search
2. Using only the first page, pick an image
3. Copy and paste the URLs into this Mosaic Maker

There you go...have fun!


Paul*Cat*Hallie*Ty said...

Hey..I didn't know you went to Highland, when did you graduate? My 10 yr reunion is next month! CRAZY!!!

jamirodana said...

I like your mosaic! Nice. Love Christian Bale, didn't notice him until Batman Begins. Love water too! You are cool Tammi!